

Wood Villas Of Kumaon Himalayas- Redifining Mountain Hospitality

Wood Villas – Mountain Retreat with a Difference. “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we have been and the memories we make along the way”; If that be so, the North Indian state of Uttarakhand, popularly referred to as “Devbhumi” or the abode of Gods is indeed at the forefront, positioning itself as “New India’s” ultimate Wellness Tourism hotspot. Uttarakhand Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami’s recent trip to UK to attract investors was an outright hit and MOUs worth Rs.12,500 crores were signed. The resurgence of India at the competitive global business landscape is very palpable and has a lot to do with the sustained campaigns like “Atmanirvar Bharat, Transforming India, Make in India dint of which smaller states like Uttarakhand too are able to carve a niche for themselves and create positive imprints on the minds of global investors. The gung-ho mood of Chief Minister Dhami finds a reflection in his press conference - "There are almost no incidents of labour dissatisfaction in the industries operating in the state of Uttarakhand. The loss of human labour in industries due to labour dissatisfaction is the lowest in India. This is the reason why the tagline of the Global Investors Summit-2023 in the state has been made 'Peace to Prosperity”. He further stated that along with “Ease-of-doing business”, there is also “Peace-of-doing business” in Uttarakhand.. The state's snowy peaks, surreal landscape and century’s old cultural traditions have been luring travellers galore to this speck of paradise. Uttarakhand is not just Rishikesh, Nainital, Mussorie or the iconic Jim Corbett National Park. The Government of Uttarakhand has prioritized the accelerated development of new tourist destinations like Binsar, Brahmatal Lake, Chamba, Chopta, Dhanaulti, Dodital to name just a few. Uttarakhand’s topography is challenging, with the mountainous state of Himachal Pradesh to the Northwest, Tibet to the Northeast, Nepal in the Southeast and the state of Uttar Pradesh in the South. Both the Greater Himalayas and the Lesser Himalayan zones fall in Uttarakhand. It isn’t surprising that some of India’s highest peaks like Nanda Devi (7817m) and Badrinath (7138 m) too are located in Uttarakhand.  Given the stunning Himalayan vistas that encircle the state and the picturesque setting, the Government of Uttarakhand is focussed in developing the concept of “Homestay” as well as “Chalets/Log Huts” in the higher reaches of the Himalayas – Almora, Ranikhet and beyond. Legendary Nepalese Mountaineer – Ang Tshering Lama who has summitted Mt.Everest multiple times is of the opinion that Uttarakhand’s landscape, particularly the high Himalayan Zone is a lot similar to the Austrian Alps. According to Ang Tshering – “Uttarakhand Himalayas have lured mountaineers and hikers for centuries together, much like the Austrian Alps, for the discerning travellers to relish the surreal vistas of Uttarakhand’s great Himalayan outback.”. Austria’s rugged and exclusive Alpine environ has with time evolved marvellously with the quintessential agenda of harnessing the local vernacular architectural grandeur of Old Austria with that of the New. Many of the hüttens in Austria employ local carpenters to create outstanding mountain huts that has become the cynosure of mountain aficionados worldwide. Drawing inspiration from the Austrian/European Alpine log huts and chalets, Uttarakhand has been on the radar of hoteliers for some time now and with a pro-active government offering incentives to investors, there has never been a better time for investments in the state’s burgeoning hospitality landscape. Out of sheer curiosity, I was flipping through works of renowned Swiss architect Annemarie Pestalozzi, who in her research work entitled – “The Vernacular Architecture of Kumaon”, rather coherently depicted the surreal beauty of Uttarakhand’s Almora region thus – “We visited the area between Almora and Champawat, with its deep river valleys and the countless small terraced fields on the steep mountain slopes, with the Deodar woods on the higher sections. On many days we enjoyed a splendid view of the majestic snow peaks in the direction of Tibet. As I got to know the region and its people better, I discovered many similarities between Kumaon and certain mountain regions of my own country Switzerland”. What an outstanding narrative!  The state government’s focus to promote “Homestay Tourism” in the High Himalayan Zone is having a positive rub-off effect or “Multiplier Effect” on the villages and Himalayan hamlets of Uttarakhand - curbing the instinct of migration to urban areas and generating enough revenues for villagers who have opted to transform their homes into homestays. The concept of building Villas with wood as the primary material is the new buzz. Although, wooden villas are commonplace in US, Canada and most of Europe, it hasn’t been as popular in India, due largely to the climatic conditions (tropical), prohibitive forestry laws and outdated sawmills; in spite of being blessed with century’s old rich legacy of wooden craftsmanship that were patronised by the Maharajas of yore. However, this is an exciting time for India as a nation – third largest economy by purchasing power parity and a USD 3.5 Trillion economy with Travel & Tourism industry alone generating US$ 178 billion. With India becoming a global powerhouse, the nation’s tourism landscape too has kept pace with globally acceptable tourism guidelines/yardsticks. The paradigm change of perceptions viz-a-viz Uttarakhand’s tourism landscape, through the introduction of high-end/luxurious Wooden Chalets & Villas is a remarkable phenomenon. The phased manner of developing such plush wooden chalets on incredibly high mountain tops deserves kudos.  The new breed of ecologically conscious real estate chalet & wood villa developers are the real game changers for Uttarakhand’s long term tourism prosperity. They are combining time honoured craftsmanship with contemporary innovations and thereby delivering properties that are not just robust but stunning to look at from outside. You literally experience this déjà-vu feeling – “India has arrived on the world stage”! A visit to lesser known, yet gorgeous Himalayan hamlet of Dhamas (32 Kms. from Almora) could be an eye opener. Out here at an elevation of 1424m/4672feet, a silent revolution is on; courtesy, the untiring efforts of a native Koranga family, whose forefathers had left behind landed properties on some of the most vantage positions. Chandan Koranga, a fiercely proud ‘Millennial’ Kumaoni of the Koranga family has rather resolutely been implementing his dream project – “Wood Villas”, which is nearing completion. Once complete, this prestigious one-of-a-kind wooden villa project, made out of the finest variety of English Wood and German Pine, will be a pioneering wooden architectural marvel in the state’s competitive tourism landscape. Having weathered the rough and tumble of the new-age entrepreneurship, the never-say-die Kumaoni that Chandan is, he is highly optimistic that “Wood Villas” will carve a niche for itself as one of Uttarakhand’s most preferred Chalet / Villa accommodation. According to Chandan – “Wood Villa units will offer breathtaking views of the full range of Himalayan peaks. The architectural finesse is every bit European and each independent villa is wholly constructed out of wood, a rarity in the Indian context!” He further adds – “Our client base is NRIs and high net worth individuals (HNI) who have shown tremendous interest on this unique project. These villas are available for leases for up to 3 years and further renewable”.  The importance that Uttarakhand is given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself is crystal clear, with the state hosting as many as three G20 meetings. The third G20 meeting on Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) concluded on June 28th 2023 in Rishikesh – the Yoga Capital of the World. Distinguished delegates from G20 countries savoured the spiritual essence of Uttarakhand and had firsthand experience of the state’s varied cultural offerings. No wonder, there is an air of expectancy in Uttarakhand and the changing mindset of the people finds reflection in new-age entrepreneurs like Chandan Koranga and others of his ilk, who are working hard to position Uttarakhand as India’s next big tourism destination. In fact, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has gone one step ahead and coined the tagline –“Peace of Doing Business” rather than the oft-quoted “Ease of Doing Business” while addressing an august gathering of industrialists in UK.  Any new venture that is aimed at bringing about a paradigm change in perceptions, particularly on the hospitality landscape, has its share of hindrances and mental blockages. It all depends on how focussed one is towards realizing the ultimate goal. Thanks to the state government’s unwavering support and friendly disposition towards Wood Villa entrepreneurs, Uttarakhand’s hilltops are on the verge of showcasing the beauty of the Himalayas in all its grandeur. Wooden Villas and Chalets offer an aesthetic charm which is timeless. They radiate harmony and are remarkably sustainable. In fact occupants of wooden houses have a lower carbon footprint than occupants of non-wooden ones. And, here is hoping that Uttarakhand Tourism will be a beacon of hope in India’s pursuit towards becoming a “Net Zero” country. For Further information on Wood Villa familiarization trips to Almora/Ranikhet/Champawat, please feel free to get in touch with – Chandan Singh Koranga, Him Valley Infra, (Woods Villa), Village – Dhamas, Sitlakhet Road, Dhamas. Uttarakhand – 263601 Mob - +91-7505001510 Written by Subhasish, a seasoned Travel Journalist with two decades of experience, has contributed editorially to numerous international in-flight magazines of renowned airlines.


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to raise awareness within our society about the importance of mindful consumption habits, particularly regarding our food choices. Both approaches to eating have their pros and cons, and whether they're healthy or not can depend on various factors. "Eating to live" typically refers to viewing food primarily as sustenance rather than for pleasure or indulgence. This approach often involves prioritizing nutrition and consuming foods that provide essential nutrients without excessive calories or unhealthy additives. It can be a healthy habit, especially if it helps someone maintain a balanced diet and a healthy weight. On the other hand, "living to eat" is more about enjoying food for its taste, cultural significance, and social aspects. While this approach can bring pleasure and satisfaction, it may also lead to overeating or choosing less nutritious foods, which can contribute to health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes if not managed carefully. As for eating based on hunger cues versus rigid meal times, both approaches can be healthy depending on the individual's lifestyle and preferences. Eating only when hungry can help regulate appetite and prevent overeating, but it requires mindfulness and listening to one's body cues. On the other hand, sticking to set meal times can provide structure and consistency, which may be beneficial for some people's schedules and digestion. Ultimately, the key is finding a balance that works for you, considering your nutritional needs, lifestyle, and relationship with food. It's essential to prioritize nutrient-dense foods, mindful eating practices, and listening to your body's hunger and fullness signals to maintain a healthy relationship with food. MIND YOUR FOOD HABIT It's indeed positive news that dietary guidelines are emphasizing the significant impact of healthy eating on disease prevention. Nutrition plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being, and making informed choices about food can help reduce the risk of various diseases and health conditions. The fact that 56% of total diseases are attributed to unhealthy diets underscores the importance of adopting healthy eating habits. By prioritizing nutrient-rich foods, limiting processed and sugary foods, and maintaining a balanced diet, individuals can proactively support their health and potentially reduce the need for medical intervention. However, it's essential to remember that while diet plays a significant role in disease prevention, it's just one aspect of overall health. Regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, and other lifestyle factors also contribute to well-being. By promoting awareness of the link between diet and disease and encouraging healthier food choices, dietary guidelines can empower individuals to take charge of their health and make positive changes to their lifestyles. However, it's essential to approach dietary changes with balance and moderation, as extreme or restrictive eating habits can also have negative consequences. NEED TO CHANGE OUR FOOD HABIT In many societies, there are entrenched beliefs and attitudes towards food, including preferences for certain types of food, often influenced by cultural, social, and familial factors. In some cultures, there may be a strong emphasis on meat or non-vegetarian foods as a symbol of prosperity, strength, or cultural identity. This can lead to a reluctance or hesitancy to adopt a more plant-based diet, even if it may be healthier in terms of nutritional factors. Additionally, there can be misconceptions about the relationship between food and health. Some individuals may believe that consuming more of a particular food, whether it's meat or vegetables, equates to better health, without considering the importance of balance and moderation. We must understand that, Excess consumption of even nutritious foods can have negative consequences for health. Whether it's excessive intake of non-vegetarian foods, refined sugars, or processed foods, overconsumption can lead to issues like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders. HIDEN FACT If we can closely watch in our Morden foods products mainly are from wheat, cereals, millets, and pasta are shows the their nutritional contain in a very systematic way printed in their pack many Flavor enhancers can improve the taste of food and increase the likelihood that an elderly person will eat and receive adequate nutrition. The downside is that, while there are healthy options for flavor enhancers, often the flavor enhancers that are chosen are artificial chemicals that can be damaging to health. More to attract the consumer food manufacturer are adding the colouring agent and preservatives which are also handful for consumption. Nutritional information printed on food packaging can indeed be helpful for consumers to make informed choices about their food intake. However, it's essential to be aware of not just the nutritional content but also the additives and ingredients used in processed foods. While flavor enhancers can improve the taste of food and potentially increase consumption, as you mentioned, the downside is that many of these enhancers are artificial chemicals that may have negative health effects. Some artificial flavor enhancers, colorants, and preservatives have been linked to adverse reactions such as allergic reactions, hyperactivity, and mood changes. For individuals with specific health conditions like gout, asthma, or aspirin allergies, certain additives like disodium ribonucleotides may pose additional risks and should be avoided. It's crucial for consumers to carefully read food labels and be aware of any ingredients that may trigger adverse reactions or exacerbate existing health conditions. FOOD MANUFACTURER AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In response to consumer demand for more natural and healthier food options, some food manufacturers are moving towards using natural flavor enhancers, colorants derived from fruits and vegetables, and preservatives with minimal impact on health. However, it's still important for consumers to be discerning and cautious when choosing processed foods and to prioritize whole, minimally processed foods whenever possible. Ultimately, promoting awareness of the potential health implications of additives in processed foods and encouraging consumers to make informed choices can help support healthier dietary habits for the general public in this regards our food quality controllers must come forward and take initiatives to frame the suitable law and ensure the people and overall well-being. More the flavour enhancer notably recommended that no food containing disodium rib nucleotides should be consumed by gout and asthma sufferers or people with an allergic reaction to aspirin. It may cause asthmatic and allergic reactions like itchy skin rashes. Sometimes, it may result in hyperactivity, sleeplessness and mood changes. Raising awareness about the potential health implications of additives in processed foods is crucial for promoting healthier dietary habits. Food quality controllers and regulatory bodies play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and integrity of the food supply chain. It's essential for these authorities to take proactive measures to regulate the use of additives in processed foods, including conducting thorough assessments of their safety and establishing appropriate limits or restrictions when necessary. Framing suitable laws and regulations can help protect consumers from harmful additives and encourage food manufacturers to prioritize the use of safer, more natural ingredients. Moreover, food quality controllers can also work to educate the public about reading food labels, understanding ingredient lists, and making informed choices when purchasing food products. By providing clear and accurate information about the potential health risks associated with certain additives, consumers can make empowered decisions about their food consumption and prioritize foods that contribute to their overall well-being. Collaboration between government agencies, food manufacturers, healthcare professionals, and consumer advocacy groups is essential in addressing the complex issue of additives in processed foods. By working together to establish and enforce regulations, promote transparency, and educate the public, we can create a healthier food environment that supports the well-being of everyone. Education and awareness are key in addressing these misconceptions and promoting healthier dietary habits. Providing information about the nutritional benefits of a balanced diet, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based proteins, can help individuals make more informed choices about their food intake. Encouraging moderation and portion control, regardless of the type of food being consumed, is also important for overall health and well-being. By fostering a better understanding of the principles of nutrition and promoting a more balanced approach to eating, we can work towards improving dietary habits and promoting better health outcomes in our societies. In summary, while maintaining a healthy diet is a crucial aspect of disease prevention, it's essential to consider other lifestyle factors as well and to approach dietary changes with a balanced and informed perspective.By, Manicklal Chakraborty, Sr. Faculty Office and Management Studies.

Shagun - Rajasthani Ghewar weds Hyderabadi Khubani ka Meetha

What a delightful union it is when Ghewar weds Khubani ka Meetha, a marriage of culinary excellence and cultural heritage! This fusion of textures and tastes is beautifully illustrated by Muskan Ahuja, a culinary student from Culinary Academy of India, Hyderabad in the form a dessert called "Shagun - Rajasthani Ghewar weds Hyderabadi Khubani ka Meetha". The ethereal crunch of Ghewar, symbolizing resilience and tradition, originating from the rich culinary tapestry of India, boasts a delicate lattice of fried flour, adorned with the opulence of clarified butter and milk that intertwines harmoniously with the luxurious sweetness of Khubani ka Meetha, a venerable delight hailing from the royal kitchens of Hyderabad, the palate is treated to an exquisite symphony of flavors and textures. The velvety sweetness of simmered apricots, ensconced in a syrupy ambrosia of caramelized sugar represents richness and indulgence. Together, they create a harmonious symphony of flavors, celebrating the diversity and richness of Indian cuisine and thus elevating the gastronomic experience to unparalleled heights of indulgence and sophistication. This dish is not just a dessert but a testament to the beauty of culinary fusion, where tradition meets innovation in a joyous celebration of love and flavour.

Unveiling 'Le Guide Moleculaire': A Molecular Gastronomy Masterpiece by Sourabh Nayak

Prepare for a culinary adventure like no other as Sourabh Nayak, a postgraduate culinary arts student from the prestigious Culinary Academy of India in Hyderabad, invites you to embark on a journey into the fascinating world of Molecular Gastronomy. Dive into the innovative realm of molecular cuisine as Sourabh unveils his magnum opus, "Le Guide Moleculaire." This culinary masterpiece features a fusion of three tantalizing molecular hors d’oeuvres meticulously crafted onto a single plate. Marvel at Sourabh's artistry and creativity as he expertly showcases his expertise in five distinct molecular gastronomy techniques. Experience the magic as pumpkin, sous vide cooked at 63°C and marinated with sweet paprika, harmonizes with goat cheese mousse and a delightful raspberry caviar. Indulge in the second hors d’oeuvre, a tart crafted from Indian samosa dough adorned with guacamole espuma. Then, be captivated by the final creation—a savory Indian rice papad accompanied by dehydrated orange candy and beetroot gel. Each element of "Le Guide Moleculaire" is a symphony of taste, color, and culinary innovation, drawing inspiration from global cuisines and reimagined in a molecular form. Sourabh's culinary prowess shines through as he expertly pieces together this gastronomic puzzle, ensuring a harmonious blend of flavors and textures that will leave you spellbound.



Pacific Mall NSP Pitampura Hosts Game-A-Thon: Champions' Home Ground

Pacific Mall NSP Pitampura is gearing up for an exciting event, Game-A-Thon: Champions' Home Ground, set to take place from July 26th to 28th, 2024. This action-packed event will bring sports enthusiasts aged 12 and above together for a thrilling weekend of competitive games right in the heart of the mall. Event Highlights Participants will have the chance to showcase their skills in a variety of games, including archery, golf, weightlifting, hammer, air hockey, and basketball. With an array of exciting prizes up for grabs, Game-A-Thon aims to foster a spirit of healthy competition and engagement among participants. A Commitment to Active Lifestyles Abhishek Bansal, Executive Director of Pacific Group, shared his enthusiasm: "We are thrilled to launch the Game-A-Thon at Pacific Mall NSP Pitampura, providing a platform for aspiring athletes and sports enthusiasts to come together and celebrate their passion. This event not only highlights our commitment to promoting active lifestyles but also underscores our dedication to offering unique experiences for our patrons." Join the Action The Game-A-Thon promises a weekend filled with excitement, skill, and camaraderie. Whether you're participating or spectating, join us for an action-packed experience at Pacific Mall NSP Pitampura from July 26th to 28th. Don’t miss out on the fun and the chance to be a part of this exhilarating event!


Emoji Party 2.0 Returns to Pacific Mall Tagore Garden with Exciting Activities for All

Pacific Mall Tagore Garden is excited to announce the return of Emoji Party 2.0, set to take place on the 20th and 21st of July. This highly anticipated event promises a weekend full of joy, creativity, and memorable experiences for families and friends. The event will feature the BE HAPPY PLEDGE zone, where attendees can create their own emoticons and share their unique ways of spreading happiness. Additionally, the Fun DIY Zone will allow families to bond over crafting personalized emoji-themed art, key chains, jars, and sling bags. Abhishek Bansal, Executive Director of Pacific Group, shared his enthusiasm: "We are thrilled to bring back Emoji Party 2.0 due to overwhelming public demand. This event is all about spreading happiness and fostering community spirit. We invite everyone to join us for a weekend of smiles, creativity, and fun." On Sunday, July 21st, the event will feature a special Ventriloquist Show by the talented Amit, promising an engaging performance that will entertain audiences of all ages. Join us at Pacific Mall Tagore Garden for Emoji Party 2.0 and take home your emoji creations as mementos of a delightful weekend!


Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla Presents Wakao Fest: A Plant-Based Culinary Celebration

Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla is thrilled to announce the Wakao Fest, a unique culinary event featuring a special pop-up menu at Edesia. Running from July 19th to 28th, 2024, the fest offers lunch and dinner options, with an exclusive brunch on July 28th. Wakao Fest highlights the exceptional range of sustainably grown, natural, and plant-based products from Wakao, a pioneering Goa-based company renowned for its innovative jackfruit dishes. This event invites guests to savor the richness of plant-based cuisine, showcasing diverse offerings that serve as delicious alternatives to meat-based dishes. Jackfruit, with its versatility and meat-like texture, takes center stage in the menu, featuring dishes such as Faux Pao, Jaca Loaded Potato, Phanas Pepper Fry, Wakao Krapow, Parmesan Polenta, The Wakao Burger, Kathal Biryani, Jacky Edamame Crumble, and Magnum Bar. Wakao’s dedication to sustainability is reflected in every dish, providing guests with a chance to enjoy flavorful meals while supporting eco-friendly practices. The use of natural ingredients ensures that each dish is both nutritious and good for the planet. Join us at Edesia, Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla, for the Wakao Fest. Whether you’re a vegan, a food enthusiast, or simply looking to reduce meat intake, this event promises a remarkable plant-based dining experience. Date: July 19th - July 28th, 2024 (Lunch & Dinner), July 28th 2024 (Sunday Brunch)Venue: Edesia, Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi OkhlaFor reservations and inquiries, please contact +91 95829 44897. About Edesia Edesia, the global cuisine all-day dining restaurant at Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla, offers a diverse culinary journey with flavors from around the world. Enjoy grill nights by the pool on weekends. Breakfast is served from 6:30 am to 10:30 am, lunch from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm, and dinner from 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm. Reservations can be made by calling +91 95829 44897. About Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla Located in South Delhi, Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla is a premium IHG-branded hotel offering comprehensive hospitality for both business and leisure travelers. It is conveniently situated 21 km from Indira Gandhi International Airport and close to major business hubs and tourist attractions in Delhi.

Hotelier Community

Pioneering Eco-Friendly Hospitality in the Land of Maharajas - Earthian Hotels & Resorts

In this exclusive interview, we connected with Rohit Pareek, Managing Director of Earthian Hotels & Resorts, to discuss the future of sustainable hospitality, cultural integration, the challenges he faces as a Managing Director, and more. Rajasthan, the land of maharajas, majestic forts, and vibrant culture, now offers a unique hospitality experience that blends luxury with sustainability. Earthian Hotels N Resorts, a forward-thinking hospitality group, is redefining what it means to travel responsibly in this captivating region. They offer spacious accommodations, impeccable service, and all the modern amenities you desire. But they go beyond mere indulgence. Here, luxury is redefined by respecting the environment and preserving the region's rich heritage. Whether you crave the thrill of a tiger safari in Ranthambore National Park or the serenity of ancient temples in Kumbhalgarh, Earthian ensures an authentic and enriching experience. The dedicated staff, with their passion for the region, will curate personalized itineraries that immerse you in Rajasthan's cultural treasures. But Earthian's commitment extends beyond luxury and adventure. They actively support local communities and conservation efforts. Imagine participating in a pottery workshop led by local artisans or contributing to tree-planting initiatives. Earthian encourages guests to connect with the land and its people, fostering a sense of responsible tourism.  How do you envision the future of sustainable hospitality, and what specific innovations do you see Earthian Hotels & Resorts pioneering in this field? The future of sustainable hospitality hinges on crafting eco-friendly experiences that honor nature and local communities. At Earthian Hotels & Resorts, we lead by example, employing traditional building methods such as mud and lime mortar. Moreover, we integrate renewable energy sources to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Our commitment extends to waste reduction initiatives and the promotion of biodiversity through organic farming and thoughtfully landscaped environments. How has your background as an engineer influenced your approach to hotel management and the design of eco-friendly resorts? My engineering background enables me to think creatively and devise innovative solutions for sustainable design and operations. While I appreciate the skills taught in hospitality courses, my unique perspective allows me to tackle challenges differently, ensuring our resorts remain both eco-friendly and luxurious. Can you share some unique experiences or amenities that guests can look forward to at the new resorts opening this year? Guests can look forward to unique experiences at our resorts, such as staying in mud villas with open-to-sky showers, enjoying organic meals at our restaurants, and participating in cultural performances at our open-air stage. Each resort is designed to offer a deep connection with nature and local culture. Additionally, guests can savor homemade brownies, sip Hi-Tea under a tree prepared on a chulha, and enjoy chulha-made rotis, experiencing the true flavors of Rajasthan. How do you integrate the rich culture of Rajasthan into the guest experience while maintaining a strong focus on sustainability? We integrate Rajasthan’s rich culture by showcasing local arts and crafts, hosting traditional performances, and serving authentic cuisine. Around 70% of our staff comes from local villages, and we regularly train them to enhance their skills, ensuring an authentic and sustainable experience for our guests. This creates moments and experiences that allow guests to fully immerse themselves in the true colors and culture of Rajasthan. What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced in creating sustainable resorts, and how have you overcome them? One of the biggest challenges is balancing luxury with sustainability. We overcome this by using eco-friendly materials and technologies without compromising on comfort. We also invest in continuous staff training and community engagement to foster a culture of sustainability. Beyond the upcoming launches, what are your long-term plans for Earthian Hotels & Resorts, and how do you plan to expand the sustainability aspect further? Our long-term plans include creating more experiential properties across different parts of Rajasthan and eventually expanding to other parts of the country. We aim to continuously improve our sustainability practices, collaborate with more local artisans, and introduce more green technologies to enhance our environmental impact. How do you educate and engage guests about the importance of sustainability during their stay at your resorts? We educate and engage guests through interactive workshops, eco-tours, and informative materials in their rooms. Our staff, trained in sustainability practices, also plays a crucial role in sharing knowledge and promoting eco-friendly behaviors among guests. In what ways do Earthian Hotels & Resorts contribute to the local communities in Rajasthan, and how do you ensure that your sustainability efforts positively impact these areas? We contribute to local communities by providing employment opportunities and promoting local arts and crafts. By employing and training local villagers, we help uplift the community and preserve cultural heritage. Our sustainability efforts ensure that we not only minimize environmental impact but also create a positive social impact.

Ultimate Escape at The Fern Brentwood Resort, Mussoorie

In this exclusive interview, we had the opportunity to sit down with Arindam C Bahel, General Manager of The Fern Brentwood Resort in Mussoorie. We discussed his role as GM, culinary offerings at the resort, sustainable initiatives at the resort, and more. Nestled amidst the breathtaking Himalayan foothills, The Fern Brentwood Resort, Mussoorie, promises an escape unlike any other. This luxurious haven transcends the ordinary, offering discerning travelers a haven of comfort, adventure, and unparalleled vistas.Imagine waking up to the gentle whispers of the mountain breeze, sunlight dappling through your window, and the majestic Doon Valley stretching out before you. The Fern Brentwood Resort isn't just a hotel; it's a portal to a world of serenity and rejuvenation. Beyond the stunning location, the resort boasts a plethora of amenities that cater to diverse interests. Unwind in the luxurious spa, indulge in delectable culinary experiences at the on-site restaurants, or take a refreshing dip in the sparkling pool.  For those seeking adventure, the resort can arrange trekking expeditions, nature walks, or visits to nearby historical landmarks. How has your background as a chef influenced the dining experience at The Fern Brentwood Resort? Chefs are meticulous, consistent, and focused on quality. The Fern Brentwood resort’s dining experience features innovative themes and designs, high-quality food, and top-notch service. Our managers and the kitchen team regularly interact with guests to create personalized dining experiences. The culinary team receives ongoing training to maintain consistent excellence. This blend of creativity, expertise, and dedication results in a memorable and elevated dining experience for all guests. What unique culinary experiences can guests expect when they dine at The Fern Mussoorie?At The Fern Brentwood Resort, we are known for our themed festivals and pop-up events, as well as our excellent breakfast spread, which rivals the best food establishments in the city. We regularly host chefs from other states to ensure authentic flavors. How do you balance luxury and sustainability in the operations of The Fern Brentwood Resort? The Fern Hotels believes that luxury in hospitality must be environmentally sustainable. Alkaline drinking water, bottled in-house at our own plant, is a standard offering—making us one of the few hotels in the state to do so. Even the straws in our drinks are made of rice paper. Our napkins and toilet rolls, made from Bagasse (a by-product of sugarcane), are entirely paper-free. Additionally, our key cards are crafted from board, and our suite rooms feature bamboo supplies. We are constantly striving to achieve our goal of a zero-garbage hotel while providing top-class service to our guests. What initiatives has the resort implemented to promote environmental sustainability? Introduction of Glass Bottles: We have replaced plastic bottles in guest rooms with safe and sanitized glass bottles filled with healthy alkaline water. This initiative helps us reduce the use of 60,000 plastic bottles annually. Eco-Friendly Rice Straws: We have eliminated hazardous plastic and paper straws, opting for eco-friendly rice straws instead. These FSSAI-approved straws are a safe and sustainable alternative, significantly reducing single-use plastic and virgin paper consumption. Natural Unbleached Napkins: Our F&B areas now use natural unbleached napkins made from 100% agro-fiber sourced from sugarcane waste, completely eliminating the need for paper towels. Solar Water Heaters: By installing solar water heaters, we conserve electricity and provide alternative energy to heat water for room usage, saving approximately 80 to 100 units of electricity per day. Rainwater Harvesting: We have created rainwater harvesting tanks with a capacity of 10 KL to promote water conservation within the hotel. Herb Garden and Plantation: We have established a herb garden and increased plantation around the hotel to enhance the green cover. Sustainable Guest Room Amenities: We have introduced sustainable and locally sourced amenities, such as bamboo toothbrushes and combs, as part of our guest room supplies, ensuring our commitment to eco-friendly practices. Can you share a memorable guest experience that highlights the resort's commitment to hospitality? Most of our guests commend our sustainable efforts, which is reflected in our rankings on TripAdvisor and other OTA channels. How do you ensure that The Fern Brentwood Resort stands out in the competitive hospitality market of Mussoorie? Mussoorie, as a hill station, has limited resources. Today’s discerning travelers are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact, and as a brand, we have a significant role to play in this market. We are pioneers in environmental sensitivity, creating a niche with our slogan, “Hospitality with Responsibility.” What future plans or expansions do you have for the resort to enhance the guest experience further? Since this year, we have launched a series of cultural food shows called “Flavours of India,” where we host chefs and artists from different regions to promote Indian cuisine at our hotel. The recently concluded “Padharo mare Des” – Rajasthani festival received tremendous acclaim and was a resounding success. Our upcoming festival, starting on June 14th, will highlight “States on the streets.” Additionally, we are expanding our hotel services to include a Spa, enriching the guest experience. How do you train and motivate your staff to maintain high standards of service and guest satisfaction? During and post-COVID, attrition has posed the greatest challenge to our organization and the industry at large. To counteract this, we intensified our team engagement efforts and focused on local recruitment from institutes in Uttarakhand and the Garhwali community renowned for their hospitality. We’re proud to highlight that over 80% of our team comprises local residents. Recognizing and reinforcing positive behaviors, our salary disbursements are scheduled from the 7th to the 1st of each month. We provide accommodations for all outstation employees and host a range of employee engagement activities such as “Movie of the Month,” induction walks, picnics, and the informal “Chai pe Charcha” sessions. Additionally, our new employee meetings include monthly trainee sessions with the GM. New joiners participate in an “Induction Walk” with the GM, where they learn about the local flora, places of interest in Mussoorie, and the town’s historical significance. Our “Chai pe Charcha” sessions serve as icebreakers for new team members and provide a platform to address any concerns they may have. These initiatives have been instrumental in fostering a supportive and engaging work environment at our organization.

Beyond Safaris: Wild Whispers Designs Dream Journeys for Discerning Travelers in Kenya

In this exclusive interview, we sat down with Aman Shah, CEO of Wild Whispers, to discuss authentic cultural experiences, new markets, and more. Wild Whispers isn’t just about safaris; it’s about crafting bespoke journeys that delve deep into the heart of Kenya's breathtaking landscapes and rich wildlife heritage. Led by a team of passionate travel specialists with a deep understanding of Kenya’s hidden gems, Wild Whispers curates itineraries that cater to your every desire. Whether you dream of witnessing the awe-inspiring wildebeest migration in the Masai Mara, tracking majestic gorillas in the mist-shrouded forests, or simply relaxing amidst the serenity of a private luxury retreat, Wild Whispers makes it a reality. Beyond the breathtaking safaris, Wild Whispers unlocks the hidden gems of Kenya. Explore vibrant cities, immerse yourself in rich cultural traditions, or unwind in luxurious retreats that epitomize relaxation. The company’s meticulously selected network of partner resorts ensures you experience unparalleled hospitality throughout your journey. Imagine yourself embarking on a private guided safari, traversing vast plains teeming with majestic animals. Witness the awe-inspiring wildebeest migration, the heart-stopping thrill of a big cat encounter, or the gentle sway of giraffes against a backdrop of breathtaking sunsets. What distinguishes your company from other Destination Management Companies in Kenya? At Wild Whispers, our attention to detail, personalized service, and commitment to sustainability triumphs over the other destination management companies in the region. Offering a suite of luxury accommodations with signature resorts and tie-ups with the region’s best-in-class luxury excursion specialists, Wild Whispers is a preferred pick for travelers to Kenya eyeing for a calming, immersive and luxurious stay in Kenya.  How do you incorporate authentic cultural experiences into your itineraries? Community support across our destination management services is key to helping the guests engage with the cultural experiences of the locals. Hosting exclusive visits to the village, engaging in traditional ceremonies with the tribes, to exploring the expanse of the region with the locals, our itineraries offer  a lot of cultural experiences that one can soak in. What steps do you take to ensure respectful and meaningful interactions with local communities? By adopting an inclusive approach, we aim to preserve the regional sanctity and ensure guests have mindful interactions with local communities. We provide in-depth guidance on the dos and don’ts to keep in mind while engaging in activities involving the local communities. The interactions are usually candid, and the locals are quite friendly. With each guest’s visit to the region, we see a new iteration of experiences. What measures do you take to ensure the safety and security of your clients? Wildlife-concentrated destinations certainly demand real-time safety and actionable contingent plans. Understanding dietary preferences in advance to having a healthcare professional available throughout the visitor’s stay, we are always at the forefront of upholding the guest's safety and security.   Are there any plans for expanding your services or entering new markets in the near future? Kenya is a large market to serve, and it being the uncontested wildlife capital of the world, we look forward to including more activities through strategic relationships with luxury activity providers to offer a suite of experiences to our guests, ranging from Private Guided Safaris, Masai Mara Migration Tours, Bush Breakfasts, Photographic Safaris, Balloon Safaris, to Sundowners, Gorilla Trekking, Helicopter Safaris, and Luxury Retreats. What new initiatives or projects are you currently working on? Being deeply rooted in providing eco-conscious luxury safari experiences, we are working to reduce our carbon footprint by curating indulging activities that are eco-conscious. From bush breakfasts including more local seasonal ingredients and culinary varieties, to collaborating with eco-conscious luxury resorts within the region, our focus remains on contributing to the planet’s wellbeing, building strong communities, and the foremost of all – curating best-in-class luxury safari experiences for the guests.

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